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Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2

Locate your lost keys and belongings, in seconds. With a simple touch of a button, you can track your keys, phone, and anything else you don’t want to lose.

What other features does the Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 offer?

Sharing. It is possible to set up your Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 across multiple devices. When you share your Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 and your family/friend accepts the share in the Chipolo app on their phone, you will b

What if my Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 is out of range?

If your Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 is out of range, the Chipolo app will display its last known location. Once you are back within range of that location, your Tracker v2 will reconnect, and you’ll be able to ring it to help locate your

Is the Orbitkey x Chipolo Bluetooth Tracker v2 a GPS tracker?

It is not a GPS tracker; it uses Bluetooth to connect with your phone and creates a log of current locations (if in range) or last known locations (if out of range). GPS trackers are generally larger and require more power, making them impractical fo